
  1. Ding J., Patinet S., Falk M. L., Cheng Y., Ma E. ; Soft spots and their structural signature in a metallic glass, P. N. A. S., 111, 14052 - 14056, (2014)
  2. Weiss J., Girard L., Gimbert F., Amitrano D. and Vandembroucq D. ; Finite-size effects in compressive strength, P. N. A. S., 111, 6231 - 6236, (2014)
  3. Bouzid M., Trulsson M., Claudin P., Clément E., Andreotti B. ; Direct numerical simulations of aeolian sand ripples, P. N. A. S., 111, 15665 - 15668, (2014)
  4. I.Zuriguel, D.R. Parisi, R. Cruz-Hidalgo, C. Lozano, A. Janda, P. A. Gago, J. P. Peralta, L. M. Ferrer, L. A. Pugnalon, E. Clément, D. Maza, I. Pagonabarraga, A. Garcimartín ; Clogging transition of many-particle systems flowing through bottlenecks, Sci. Rep., 4, 7324, (2014)
  5. Guillaume Dupeux, Philippe Bourrianne, Quentin Magdelaine, Christophe Clanet, David Quéré ; Propulsion on a superhydrophobic ratchet, Sci. Rep., 4, 5280, (2014)
  6. Bouttes D., Gouillart E., Boller E., Dalmas D. and Vandembroucq D. ; Fragementation and limits to dynamic scaling in viscous coarsening : An interrupted X-ray tomographic study, Phys. Rev. Lett., 112, 245701, (2014)
  7. Lechenault, F., Thiria, B & Adda-Bedia, M. ; Mechanical Response of a Creased Sheet, Phys. Rev. Lett., 112, 244301, (2014)
  8. Marthelot J., Roman B., Bico J., Teisseire J., Dalmas D., Melo F. ; Self-Replicating Cracks : A Collaborative Fracture Mode in Thin Films, Phys. Rev Lett, 113, 85502, (2014)
  9. Adrien Benusiglio, David Quéré, Christophe Clanet ; Explosions at the water surface, J. Fluid Mech., 752, 123 - 139, (2014)
  10. Lubbers L.A., Weijs J.H., Botto L., Das, Andreotti B. & Snoeijer J.H. ; Drops on soft solids : Free energy and double transition of contact angl, J. Fluid Mech., 747, 1, (2014)
  11. Gautier N., Aider J.-L. ; Feed-forward control of a perturbed backward-facing step flow, J. Fluid. Mech., 759, 181 - 196, (2014)
  12. Chiodi F., Claudin P., Andreotti B. ; A two-phase flow model of sediment transport : transition from bedload to suspended load, J. Fluid Mech., 755, 561 - 581, (2014)
  13. Klotz, L., Goujon-Durand, S., Rokicki, J , Wesfreid, J.E. ; Experimental investigation of flow behind a cube for moderate Reynolds numbers, J. Fluid Mech. , 750 , 73 - 98 , (2014)
  14. Reyssat E.* ; Drops and bubbles in wedges, J. Fluid Mech., 748, 641-662, (2014)
  15. Tuckerman L.S.* ; Taylor vortices versus Taylor columns, J. Fluid Mech., 750, 1 - 4, (2014)
  16. Stapelbroek B.B.J., Jansen H.P., Kooij E.S., Snoeijer J.H., Eddi A. ; Universal spreading of water drops on complex surfaces, Soft Matter, 10, 2641, (2014)
  17. Dan Soto, Aurélie Borel de Larivière, Xavier Boutillon, Christophe Clanet, David Quéré ; The force of impacting rain, Soft Matter, 10, 4929 - 4934, (2014)
  18. Anne Le Goff, David Quéré, Christophe Clanet ; Shooting in a foam, Soft Matter, 10, 6696 - 6704, (2014)
  19. Nan Xue, Shuai Wu, Sijie Sun, David Quéré, Quanshui Zheng ; On strongly metastable assemblies of particles at liquid interfaces, Langmuir, 30, 14712 - 14715, (2014)
  20. Chelsea S. Davis, Florian Lemoine, Thierry Darnige, David Martina, Costantino Creton, and Anke Lindner ; Debonding Mechanisms of Soft Materials at Short Contact Times, Langmuir, 30, 10626 - 10636, (2014)
  21. Weijs J.H., Andreotti B. & Snoeijer J.H. ; Capillarity of soft amorphous solids : a microscopic model for surface s, Phys. Rev. E, 26, 42408, (2014)
  22. Gandikota, G., Chatain, D., Lyubimova, T., Beysens, D. ; Dynamic equilibrium under vibrations of H2 liquid-vapor interface at various g-levels, Phys. Rev. E, 89, 63003, (2014)
  23. Gandikota, G., D. Chatain, D., Amiroudine, S., Lyubimova, T., Beysens, D. ; Frozen wave instability in near critical hydrogen subjected to horizontal vibration under various gravity fields, Phys. Rev. E, 89, 12309, (2014)
  24. Gandikota, G., D. Chatain, D., Amiroudine, S., Lyubimova, T., Beysens, D., ; Faraday instability in a near-critical fluid under weightlessness, Phys. Rev. E, 89, 13022, (2014)
  25. Guadarrama-Cetina, J., Narhe, R., Beysens, D., A. Gonzalez-Vinas, W. ; Droplet pattern and condensation gradient around a humidity sink, Phys. Rev. E , 89, 12402, (2014)
  26. Hegseth, A. Oprisan, Y. Garrabos, D. Beysens ; Imaging critical fluctuations of pure fluids and binary mixtures, Phys. Rev. E , 90, 22127, (2014)
  27. Borghesi C., Moukhtar J., Labousse M., Eddi A., Fort E., Couder Y. ; Interaction of two walkers : Wave-mediated energy and force, Phys. Rev. E, 90, 63017, (2014)
  28. Medici M. G., Mongruel A. , Royon L. , Beysens D. ; Edge effects on water droplet condensation, Phys. Rev. E , 90, 62403, (2014)
  29. Bobinski, T., Goujon-Durand, S., Wesfreid, J. E. ; Instabilities in the wake of a circular disk, Phys. Rev. E , 89 , 053021 , (2014)
  30. R.MoosaviI, M.Maleki, M.R.Shaebani, J.C. RuizSuarez, E. Clement ; Stripe formation in horizontally oscillating granular suspensions,, EPL, 96, 107, (2014)
  31. S., Ramananarivo., Godoy-Diana, R & Thiria, B ; Propagating waves in bounded elastic media : Transition from standing waves to anguilliform kinematics, EPL, 105, 54003, (2014)
  32. Cabaleiro J. M., Aider J.-L. ; Axis switching of a pulsed micro-jet, Phys. Fluids, 26, 31702, (2014)
  33. Elias F., Janiaud E., Bacri J.-C. & Andreotti B. ; Elasticity of a soap film junction, Phys. Fluids, 26, 37101, (2014)
  34. Raspa, V, S., Ramananarivo.,Thiria, B & Godoy-Diana, R ; Vortex-induced drag and the role of aspect ratio in undulatory swimmers, Phys. Fluids, 26, 41701, (2014)
  35. Cambonie C., Aider J.-L. ; Transition scenario of a round jet in crossflow at low velocity ratios, Phys. Fluids, 26, 84101, (2014)
  36. Tuckerman L.S.*, Kreilos T., Schrobsdorff H., Schneider T.M., Gibson J.F., ; Turbulent-laminar patterns in plane Poiseuille flow, Phys. Fluids, 26, 110103, (2014)
  37. A. Lindner ; Flow of complex suspensions, Phys. Fluids, 26, 101307, (2014)
  38. S., Ramananarivo., Godoy-Diana, R & Thiria, B ; Elastic swimmer on a free surface, Phys. Fluids, 26, 91112, (2014)
  39. Baptiste Darbois-Texier, Caroline Cohen, Guillaume Dupeux, David Quéré, Christophe Clanet ; On the size of sports fields, New J. Phys., 16, 33039, (2014)
  40. J.Gachelin, A.Rousselet, A.Lindner, E.Clement ; Collective motion in E. coli bacteria suspensions,, New J. Phys., 16, 25003, (2014)
  41. Oprisan, A., Oprisan, S. A., Hegseth, J. J., Garrabos, Y., Lecoutre-Chabot, C., Beysens, D ; Dimple coalescence and liquid droplets distributions during phase separation in a pure fluid under microgravity, Eur. Phys. J. E , 37, 85, (2014)
  42. A.Pocheau, B.Roman ; Reversibility of crumpling on compressed thin sheets, Eur. Phys. J. E , 37, 28, (2014)
  43. Lemoult G. , Gumowski K., Aider J.-L., Wesfreid J. E. ; Turbulent spots in channel : an experimental study., Eur. Phys. J. E, 37, 1 - 11, (2014)
  44. Guadarrama-Cetina J.M. , Mongruel A. , Medici M. G., Baquero E., Parker A. R. , Milimouk-Melnytchuk I. , González-Viñas W. , Beysens D. ; Dew condensation on desert beetle skin, Eur. Phys. J. E, 37, 85-109, (2014)
  45. François Tanguy, Matteo Nicoli, Anke Lindner, and Costantino Creton ; Quantitative analysis of the debonding structure of soft adhesives, Eur. Phys. J. E, 37, 1 - 12, (2014)
  46. Kolb E. , Cixous P. , Charmet J.C. ; Flow fields around an intruder immersed in a 2D dense granular layer, Granular Matter, 16, 223, (2014)
  47. Atman A.P.F., Claudin P., Combe G., Martins G.H.B. ; Mechanical properties of inclined frictional granular layers, Granular Matter, 16, 193 - 201, (2014)
  48. Cambonie C., Aider J.-L. ; Seeding optimization for instantaneous volumetric velocimetry. Application to a jet in crossflow, Optics and Lasers in Engieering, 56, , (2014)
  49. Gautier N., Aider J.-L. ; Upstream open-loop control of the recirculation area downstream a backward-facing step, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris II B, 342, 382 - 388, (2014)
  50. Beysens, D ; Critical point in space : A quest for universality, Microgravity Sci. Technol., 26, 201-218, (2014)
  51. Gandikota, G., Amiroudine, S., Chatain, D., Beysens, D. ; Thermal Boundary Layer Instabilities in Near Critical Fluids, Turbulence and Interactions, 125, 83-90, (2014)
  52. Lecoutre, C., Garrabos, Y., Beysens, D., Nikolayev, V., Hahn, I. ; Boiling phenomena in near-critical SF6 observed in weightlessness, Acta Astronautica, 100, 22–29 , (2014)
  53. C. Colonello,, L.I. Reyes, E. Clement, G. Gutierrez ; Behavior of grains in contact with the wall of a silo during the initial instants of a discharge-driven collapse, Physica A, 398, 35 - 42, (2014)
  54. V.PellegrinelliI, J.Heuvingh, 0.DuRoure, C.Rouault, A.Devulder C. Klein, E.Clement, D. Lacasa, and K. Clement ; Human adipocyte function is impacted by mechanical cues, Journal of Pathology, 233, 183 - 195, (2014)
  55. Anna Garcia, Angelica Castro, Mauricio Hoyos, Ricard Gonzales ; Experimental study on inter-particle acoustic forces,, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. , 135, 1056 - 1063, (2014)
  56. J. Zilz, R.J. Poole, M. Alves, C. Wagner, C. Schäfer and A. Lindner ; Serpentine channels : micro – rheometers for fluid relaxation times, Lab. Chip, 14, 351 - 358, (2014)
  57. Cipelletti L., Biron J.-P., Martin M., Cottet H. ; Polydispersity analysis of Taylor dispersion data : the cumulant method, Anal. Chem., 86, 6471 - 6478, (2014)
  58. Cottet H., Biron J.-P., Martin M. ; On the optimization of operating conditions for Taylor dispersion analysis of mixtures, Analyst, 139, 3552 - 3562, (2014)
  59. Rana C., De Wit A., Martin M., Mishra M. ; Combined influences of viscous fingering and solvent effect on the distribution of adsorbed solutes in porous media, RSC Advances, 4, 34369 - 34381, (2014)
  60. Vastamäki P., Williams P.S., Jussila M., Martin M., Riekkola M.-L. ; Retention in continuous two-dimensional field-flow fractionation : theory and experiments compared, Analyst, 139, 116 - 127, (2014)
  61. Patinet S., Vandembroucq D., Hansen A., Roux S. ; Cracks in random brittle solids : From fiber bundles to continuum mechanics, Eur. Phys. J. : Spec. Top., 223, 2339 - 2350, (2014)
  62. Caroline Cohen, Baptiste Darbois, Guillaume Dupeux, Éric Brunel, David Quéré, Christophe Clanet ; The aerodynamic wall, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 470, 20130497, (2014)
  63. Dijkstra H.A., Wubs F.W., Cliffe A.K., Doedel E., Dragomirescu I.F., Eckhardt B., Gelfgat A.Y., Hazel A.L., Lucarini V., Salinger A.G., Phipps E.T., Sanchez-Umbria J., Schuttelaars H., Tuckerman L.S.*, Thiele U., ; Numerical Bifurcation Methods and their Application to Fluid Dynamics :, Commun. Comput. Phys., 15, 1, (2014)
  64. Brun C., Buet X., Bresson B., Capelle M.-S., Ciccotti M., Ghomari, Lecomte P., Roger J.-P., Poletti F., Petrovich M.N., Richardson D.J., Vandembroucq D. and Tessier G. ; Picometer-scale surface roughness measurements inside hollow-glass fibers, Opt. Express, 22, 29554 - 29567, (2014)
  65. M Skarysz · J Pryśko · S Goujon-Durand · J E Wesfreid ; The wake behind a rotating sphere, Journal of Physics : Conference Series,, 530, 12043, (2014)
  66. Wesfreid, J. E., Ippolito, I., Rosen M. and Hulin, J.P. ; La coopération scientifique franco-argentine-Une longue histoire, Reflets de la Physique , 40, 26 - 30, (2014)
  67. Durán O., Andreotti B., Claudin P. ; Turbulent and viscous sediment transport — a numerical study, Adv. Geosci., 37, 73-80 (2014)
  68. Aider J., Joseph P., Ruiz T., Gilotte P., Euladie Y., Edouard C., Amandolese X. ; Active flow control using pulsed micro-jets on a full-scale production car, Int. Journal of Flow Control, 6 (1), (2014)
  69. Guyon, E., Hulin, J.-P., Bideau, D. , La matière en désordre, EDP Sciences, Savoirs actuels (2014)
  70. Guyon, E., avec la contribution du groupe Crozon, Hier pour demain : une mémoire de la CST 2 Volumes, L’Harmattan (2014)

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Laboratoire : 01 40 79 45 22
Directeur : Ramiro GODOY DIANA
Codirecteur : Laurent DUCHEMIN
Administratrice : Frédérique AUGER (01 40 79 45 22)
Gestionnaire : Claudette BAREZ (01 40 79 58 53)
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