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46 Muselli M., Lekouch I. and Beysens D. ; Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Dew and Rain in North-West Africa with Focus on Morocco: Mapping Past and Future Evolution (2005–2100) ; Atmosphere ; 13 ; 1974 (2022) -
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49 Nandi M.K., Sarracino A., Herrmann H.J. and de Arcangelis L. ; Scaling of avalanche shape and activity power spectrum in neuronal networks ; Physical Review E ; 106 ; 24304 (2022) -
50 Oprisan A., Morgado D., Dorf D., Zoppelt S., Oprisan S.A., Hahn I., Garrabos Y., Lecoutre-Chabot C. and Beysens D. ; Transport Properties of Critical Sulfur Hexafluoride From Multiscale Analysis of Density Fluctuations ; Frontiers in Space Technologies ; 3 ; 883899 (2022) -
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54 Reis S.D.S., Böttcher L., Nogueira J.P.d.C., Sousa G.S., Lima Neto A.S., Herrmann H.J. and Andrade J.S. ; Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Dengue Outbreaks ; Frontiers in Physics ; 10 ; 923099 (2022) -
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56 Ruan D., Patinet S. and Falk M. L. ; Predicting plastic events and quantifying the local yield surface in 3D model glasses ; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids ; 158 ; 104671 (2022) - hal-03969043
57 Staniscia F. and Truskinovsky L. ; Passive viscoelastic response of striated muscles ; Soft Matter ; 18 ; 3226 (2022) -
58 Tian C., Du K., Wang L., Zhang X., Li F., Jiao W., Beysens D., Kaseke K.F. and Medici M.-G. ; Stable isotope variations of dew under three different climates ; Scientific Data ; 9 ; 50 (2022) - hal-03669504
59 Tizdast S., Ebadi Z., Cheraghalizadeh J., Najafi M.N., Andrade J.S. and Herrmann H.J. ; Self-similar but not conformally invariant traces obtained by modified Loewner forces ; Physical Review E ; 105 ; 24103 (2022) -
60 Trosseille J., Mongruel A., Royon L. and Beysens B. ; Effective substrate emissivity during dew water condensation ; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer ; 183 ; 122078 (2022) - hal-03754822
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62 McMullen, A., Muñoz Basagoiti, M., Zeravcic, Z and Brujic,J. ; Self-assembly of emulsion droplets through programmable folding ; Nature ; 610 ; , 502–506 (2022) -


See also...


1 Agoritsas, E., García-García, R., Lecomte, V., Truskinovsky, L. & Vandembroucq, D. Driven Interfaces: From Flow to Creep Through Model (…) 

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1. Algarra, N., Leang, M., Lazarus, A., Vandembroucq, D., Kolb, E.; Flexible fiber in interaction with a dense granular flow close to the (…) 

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