PRL editors’ suggestion about wave resonant absorption

Perfect Resonant Absorption of Guided Water Waves by Autler-Townes Splitting
L.-P. Euvé, K. Pham, R. Porter, P. Petitjeans, V. Pagneux, and A. Maurel Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 204002 (2023) – Published 17 November 2023
Focus: Vanishing Act for Water Waves featured in Physics

Cavities at the sides of a water channel can cause waves to be completely absorbed, suggesting new techniques for protecting coastlines: article link


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T. Liu, B. Semin, L. Klotz, R. Godoy-Diana, J. E. Wesfreid & T. Mullin Journal of Fluid Mechanics 915, A65 (2021) (...) 

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Practical information

Laboratoire : 01 40 79 45 22
Directeur : Damien Vandembroucq
Codirecteur : Philippe Petitjeans
Administratrice : Frédérique Auger (01 40 79 45 22)
Gestionnaire : Claudette Barez (01 40 79 58 53)
Courriel : dir (arobase)