
PMMH’s weekly seminar is held every Friday at 11 am (map)

Contact :
Laurent Duchemin
Sylvain Patinet
Stéphane Perrard
Etienne Reyssat
Virgile Thiévenaz
responsables-seminaires (arobase)

75005 PARIS

Tel : (33) 1 40 79 45 22

Seminars  (6)

  • Séminaire PMMH - Alex Hansen (NTNU Norvège)
    Vendredi 29 mars de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1
    Séminaire d'Alex Hansen (NTNU, Trondheim, Norvège)
    The co-moving velocity, a new concept in immiscible two-phase flow in porous media Alex Hansen PoreLab, Department of Physics, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway Since 1936, relative permeability theory has been the leading description of immiscible two-phase flow in porous media at scales much larger than the pore scale. (...)
  • Séminaire PMMH - Alex Hansen (NTNU Norvège)
    Vendredi 29 mars de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1
    Séminaire d'Alex Hansen (NTNU, Trondheim, Norvège)
    The co-moving velocity, a new concept in immiscible two-phase flow in porous media Alex Hansen PoreLab, Department of Physics, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway Since 1936, relative permeability theory has been the leading description of immiscible two-phase flow in porous media at scales much larger than the pore scale. (...)
  • Séminaire PMMH - Olivier Plé (LOCIE-CNRS)
    Vendredi 5 avril de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1
    Rammed earth : A complex medium
    Rammed earth is a complex material which is attractive nowadays in construction because of its small environmental footprint. However, this material has specific characteristics, especially : its sensitivity to water, its low mechanical static capacity but a fairly good seismic performance, its high thermal (...)
  • Séminaire PMMH - Olivier Plé (LOCIE-CNRS)
    Vendredi 5 avril de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1
    Rammed earth : A complex medium
    Rammed earth is a complex material which is attractive nowadays in construction because of its small environmental footprint. However, this material has specific characteristics, especially : its sensitivity to water, its low mechanical static capacity but a fairly good seismic performance, its high thermal (...)
  • Séminaire PMMH - Benjamin Guiselin - ENS Lyon
    Vendredi 12 avril de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1
    Emergence of spontaneous collective oscillations in dense Human crowds
    Massive crowd gatherings form some of the most dangerous and unpredictable environments [1]. However, we lack quantitative characterizations of their dynamics and the heuristic principles used to explain and predict their motion remain elusive. In this talk, I will present our analysis of the dynamics of thousands (...)
  • Séminaire PMMH - Benjamin Guiselin - ENS Lyon
    Vendredi 12 avril de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1
    Emergence of spontaneous collective oscillations in dense Human crowds
    Massive crowd gatherings form some of the most dangerous and unpredictable environments [1]. However, we lack quantitative characterizations of their dynamics and the heuristic principles used to explain and predict their motion remain elusive. In this talk, I will present our analysis of the dynamics of thousands (...)
Information for the speakers

The audience is composed of people with rather heterogeneous backgrounds including specialists in solids, fluids, granular flows, statistical physics... so the idea is to keep your talk understandable by people not necessarily working in your field... The seminar time slot runs from 11am to noon so the best is to make the talk last around 45 minutes to leave some time for discussion.

Link to cofee seminar (internal, every Thursday)


Practical information

Laboratoire : 01 40 79 45 22
Directeur : Damien Vandembroucq
Codirecteur : Philippe Petitjeans
Administratrice : Frédérique Auger (01 40 79 45 22)
Gestionnaire : Claudette Barez (01 40 79 58 53)
Courriel : dir (arobase)