PMMH’s weekly seminar is held every Friday at 11 am (map)
Sylvain Patinet
Stéphane Perrard
Etienne Reyssat
Virgile Thiévenaz
75005 PARIS
Tel : (33) 1 40 79 45 22
Séminaire PMMH - Xanthippi Markenscoff (University of California San Diego)
Instabilities of nucleation and growth of a phase change defect
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of California San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0411
A defect of phase change in density and moduli modeled as a self-similarly expanding Eshelby ellipsoidal inclusion can nucleate and grow under a critical loading. The ellipsoid possesses the “lacuna” property with the particle velocity vanishing in the interior domain, which allows the constant stress Eshelby property and the inclusion to grow as a whole. The energetics for nucleation and growth are derived from the energy-momentum tensor and first principles. The solution obtains the flow of energies across a moving phase boundary at the balancing of which (which expresses the vanishing of the M integral) the interface presents no obstacle, and, at that critical loading, an arbitrarily small phase change defect nucleates and grows at constant potential energy. By breaking the symmetry it expands as a flattened Eshelby ellipsoidal inclusion, which minimizes the losses to move the phase boundary, and the critical pressure is obtained for nucleation and growth of an inhomogeneous inclusion under high pressure. The solution explains the generation of a shear seismic source with Double Couple radiation in deep earthquakes and the generation of failure waves with a zone of micro-fractures (in tension) under compressive loading in lima glass. The methodology has wider applications to a range of physical phenomena, such as amorphization defects and defects in alloys, planetary impacts, etc.
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Seminars (7)
Séminaire PMMH - Ludovic Berthier, Gulliver
Vendredi 24 janvier de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1
Emerging active turbulence and chaotic advection in dense active matter
I will show that active mesoscale flows, a.k.a. active turbulence, leading to chaotic advection generically emerge in simple models of active particles leading to streams and vortices reminiscent of multiscale flow patterns in turbulence. The characteristics of these flows do not depend on the specific details of (...) -
Séminaire PMMH - Ludovic Berthier, Gulliver
Vendredi 24 janvier de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1
Emerging active turbulence and chaotic advection in dense active matter
I will show that active mesoscale flows, a.k.a. active turbulence, leading to chaotic advection generically emerge in simple models of active particles leading to streams and vortices reminiscent of multiscale flow patterns in turbulence. The characteristics of these flows do not depend on the specific details of (...) -
Séminaire PMMH - Elisabeth Lemaire (INPHYNI, Nice)
Vendredi 31 janvier de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1
Séminaire PMMH - Elisabeth Lemaire (INPHYNI, Nice)
Vendredi 31 janvier de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1
Origins of shear-thinning in non-Brownian suspensions
The rheology of concentrated non-Brownian suspensions has undergone a small revolution in the last 15 years when the importance of the role played by solid contacts between particles was realized. Considering these contacts has allowed to explain the continuous or discontinuous shear-thickening in dense (...) -
Séminaire PMMH - Chandan Bose (Univ. Birmingham)
Vendredi 7 février de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1
Séminaire PMMH - Christophe Denoual, CEA
Vendredi 14 février 2025 de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1
Séminaire PMMH - Christophe Denoual, CEA
Vendredi 14 février de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1
The audience is composed of people with rather heterogeneous backgrounds including specialists in solids, fluids, granular flows, statistical physics... so the idea is to keep your talk understandable by people not necessarily working in your field... The seminar time slot runs from 11am to noon so the best is to make the talk last around 45 minutes to leave some time for discussion.
- Séminaires ESPCI-ENS de biophysique
- Séminaires du Département de Physique de l’ENS
- Séminaires du Laboratoire d’Hydrodynamique de l’X
- Séminaire de Mécanique d’Orsay (page web FAST)
- Séminaire de Mécanique d’Orsay (page web LIMSI)
- Séminaire de Mécanique des Fluides de l’Institut Jean le Rond d’Alembert
- Séminaires du laboratoire MSC, Paris VII
- Séminaires Gulliver
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